Tag Archives: Christmas

Vacation and An Anniversary

Merry Christmas

Sorry for the break, I hope that your Christmas and New Year celebrations were fantastic!  I had a great time with my parents and sisters the week before Christmas, my in-laws for Christmas and the week after and then my husband and I celebrated our 1st year of marriage on New Years Day!  I can’t wait to tell you about all the lessons I leaned during my travels but first some lessons from a first year of marriage!

1.  After year 1 I still believe my husband makes everything better!  I am one blessed lady and I am so thankful for him!

2.  He doesn’t see the same messy house that I do.  It’s as if we live in 2 different homes, or at least 2 different dimensions, boy dimension and girl dimension.  The good news, if I’m slacking on the house work he won’t notice!

3.  I have learned at least 2 dishes that my husband enjoys eating!  That’s huge considering my cooking skills!

4.  I love watching movies in bed with my hubby!  Seriously, top 5 favorite activities of life!

5.  Still not used to being called “wife” or “Mrs.”  so weird!

6.  I LOVE traveling with my husband!  I have opted out of many travel opportunities because I couldn’t wait to explore the world with my hubby, not that I have him I want to go everywhere!  And in case you were wondering, it is SO MUCH BETTER than what I imagined!

7.  My husband likes to get ready for his day in silence, he has a routine and likes it to stay the same. 🙂

8.  Neither of us can get up with an alarm clock very well.  We have 5 that go off every morning and 4 of them have snooze buttons :/

9.  My hubby doesn’t like pets so until we have a home with a back yard and a few kids to distract him I don’t think we will be getting my dog back from my parents…shh, please don’t tell my mom that, she’s not going to be thrilled.

10.  My husband believes in me!  Like really believes in me!  The kind of encouraging belief that allows me to live out and pursue my wildest dreams!  And some of them are even coming true!  It is like nothing I have ever known and makes me feel like I could do anything!  Thanks darling!

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