Tag Archives: cancer

Looking Back, Running Forward

This has been a great year.  I decided that before I look to the future and what I would like for 2012 I should look back at what 2011 was like.

1.  I got married.

2.  The hubby got to produce his first short film.  It was a dream come true and I loved seeing him do what he loves.

3. I officially took photography from hobby to profession.

4.  I completed a semester of school without getting so sick that I could no longer go to class-a first in 5 years!

5.  I moved on from children’s ministry into full-time youth ministry.

6.  My second year of training to be a floral designer with my mother-in-law.

7.  My mom was declared CANCER FREE.

8.  Add Bahamas, Santa Barbara and Grand Canyon to my travel list!

9.  I returned to my high school love of running after 10 years off and against dr.s orders…I still love it, even though my body disagrees.

10.  I said goodbye to my Honda and got a new (to me) car.

It is exciting to see all the things that happened last year.  Many of them I never would have guessed would occur.  I love the adventures of life and I am learning to enjoy the many unplanned events that keep happening and let go of the many planned events I try to pursue.  In light of the many plans I make that don’t come true I am going to attempt a list of a few things I think will happen this year.

1.  Continue to build a brand new youth ministry at my new church.

2.  Continue to train with my mother-in-law in floral design in hopes of taking over someday, technically she is retiring this year but somehow I don’t see it!

3.  Visit Las Vegas and hopefully Louisianan.  Hubs has the opportunity to help with a movie in Louisiana his role and the funding are still being ironed out, I’m praying it’s something BIG!

4.  I hope and pray that my hubby will be a part of  a couple more movies; acting and producing and even directing.

5.  I hope I will start my new degree program and finish my dance degree.

6.  I hope that I can expand my photography business.

7.  I would love it if we could start planning a family and buy a house.

8.  It would be awesome if we could be debt free by 2013.

9.  Maybe I will preach in big church and even make it through without fainting from anxiety.

10.  Every year I try to read 24 books, this year I made it to 20, next year I hope I make it to 24.

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