Sore Muscles and Cooking Fundraiser

Ran for 45 minutes last night!  Woohoo!  And man are my calves sore today!  And I’m a dancer!  I thought for sure my calves were strong enough to handle a little running, maybe it’s a different way of working them?  Probably!  I’m so excited that I made it the full 45 minutes!  I did 5 minute intervals of 10:30 and 12:00 miles on 3% incline.  Maybe that incline has something to do with my calves!

I also did some weights.  I am totally intimidated by weights even though I try really hard not to be.  But it just seems like there are so many more people staring over there then there are in the cardio section.  Usually, at the cardio machines people kind of mind their own business and generally avoid eye contact.  Maybe the sense of community will grow on me?  I was trying to work my shoulders since I’ve never done that before but all the machines looked so complicated.  Finally I found one with pictures and a good description and sat down to figure it out.  Unfortunately I didn’t get it.  But, THANKFULLY a girl walked by just in time for me to ask!  She didn’t know but her trainer friend helped and we figured it out together!  I felt super awesome afterwards, having overcome my fear AND lifting some weights!  Yes, win win!

please help!

please help!

In other news, today I found out I am in charge of our church’s Spaghetti fundraiser dinner!  Two things:  1.  I’m only learning and even though it’s just spaghetti I am very capable of messing it up big time!  2. Fundraiser means people are actually going to be paying for my food, that is just scary.  Shh, don’t tell them I’m still learning!

laughing at the idea of people actually paying to eat my food!

laughing at the idea of people actually paying to eat my food! and no, I’m not secretly a ghost, just very very very very pale!

3.  I know I said 2 but there’s one more!  I’ve never cooked a meal for more than 4 people!! And that one time I did cook for 4 people I forgot to put milk in the mashed potatoes and they were awful 😦 and no one even told me this until after dinner was over!  It was total Rachel and the Trifle moment.  (yes, Friends reference!)…I’m scared!

oh no!  what just happened?!

oh no! what just happened?!

Have you cooked for a large group of people before?  What did you make?

Did you workout today?  What did you do?

What’s your favorite pasta sauce recipe?  Please share with me!  I need help!!


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3 responses to “Sore Muscles and Cooking Fundraiser

  1. Get a foam roller on your calf muscles, or freeze a small bottle of water and use that. I’ve got no recipes I’m afraid!

  2. Pingback: Fundraiser Dinner | Jewels on a Journey

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